Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 8 - Makeup for Colored Photography

It's a culmination of everything we've learned so far. I think the one thing that was new to us was in doing makeup for colored photo shoots, foundation application should be a bit darker than the actual skin color.

The reason behind that is the makeup reflects light especially in front of a flash camera, thus making the finish look, look more natural because of the a bit dark foundation.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 7 - Makeup for Black & White Photography

I enjoyed the lesson today but it was the longest time that I applied makeup for a session. It's also the first time we had a photographer to show us the black & white effect on the LCD monitor.

Makeup for Black & White Photography basically applies intense dark makeup. In order for your makeup to be seen in black & white, just use dark colors like black & brown for shadows and white for highlights.

Because everything will turn black & white in the picture, why bother with colorful shadows. It saves thinking time of selecting colors and also the amount of makeup you would use.

The only reason that it took me a long time to achieve this look is I had to retouch and retouch to get that effect and also to make everything look balanced.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 6 - Smokey Eyes

Smokey eyes is basically a use of just 1 dark shade of eye shadow (black, dark blue, everything dark) and blend, blend, blend it out to achieve a dark-medium-light shades starting from the lids going outwards.

I used dark purple here, although it looks like dark gray on the picture. I should improve more on the blending to make the look more balanced. The left and right lid doesn't look exactly the same. So I should practice some more. Because the focus of this look is all about the eyes, using a nude or light shade of lipstick and blush is recommended.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 5 - Night Makeup

On to the 5th day of Makeup Artistry class. We have a new instructor starting today, Ms. Mikee. Her explanations on how to do the whole makeup look was also as clear and concise as our last instructor Sir Mio. Here is the demo that she did for us today.

It literally shows the before & after look. ( It's actually a bit funny to look at with the side of the face undone hahahaha. )

Now, here is the overall look that I have done for today's lesson.

My model for today is actually a co-worker or co-teacher of one of my classmates in class. So, thank you Teacher Angeli for coming to be my model and thanks Diane for calling her.

I wanted to go for a bright-eyed party look for her to make her eyes bigger and lighten up the eyes. I used silver for the light tone, a kind of electric blue for the medium tone and just a hint of black for the dark tone. I also used false eye lashes for the first time and I was having a hard time putting it on and making it stick >.<!!  I had to do it over again and again like 3-4 times for each eye. Anyway, got to practice on that one ( must buy falsies next time ). For the contour, we were told to intensify it so that it can be seen for night lighting setups like a bar, restaurant, hotel, etc. I chose red for the lips....for a night-out, red lips is definitely IN!

I'm very happy with what I did and I hope I get to do this kind of night look again for somebody else soon.

See you next week!!